Monday, January 17, 2011

Bury me now, and I will excavate later.

So its time for me to get buried. I've died of some horrible affliction and everyone I know is really quite saddened by it. I usually would not be terribly interested in being entombed for eternity with a whole slew of items, but on the very day I died I have decided to be extremely materialistic and i just NEED all of my favorite things to accompany me.

Hanging on to the last remnants of life I have only moments to try and outline to my family, specifically my sister and mother, what kind of items I will need to keep me occupied for all of time. I am able to utter 3 words as I drift off, and I have to hope they are interpreted correctly.


Alright, so these are not THAT difficult to interpret correctly, considering how well they know me.

1. It would be completely logical if a couple albums were simply thrown in, but I want a big tomb and a lot of open space, so why not simply bury me with my drums? I have the most fun when banging on them so they should probably stay with me.

2. Considering I worked at a bookstore while I was alive it is little surprise that books are pretty important to me. I am definitely going to need some in the afterlife to keep me occupied. I have quite a few books already, but I might as well just get a whole library, Right?

3. I like to go fast, and I like to go fast while rolling on my skateboard. Obviously I am not going to be going very far while in my tomb, but my skateboard is too precious to me to be left behind. 

That seems like a pretty good assemblage of items to me. Now i just need to find a tomb. A grave isn't nearly fancy enough for me.
How about something like this? Excessive? Most certainly, but while I'm dreaming I might as well hope for something as beautiful as this. 

I will just have find somewhere here on Vancouver island to sneak in something like this.

Next I will jump ahead a couple hundred (or thousand) years in the future and become an Archaeologist excavating the mysterious tomb of Polkey. 



  1. And then, what do you think will be your interpretation of a young adult male skeleton buried with drums, books and a skateboard?

    I have to admit I like your pick of tombs, and with the amount of mountains 'available' on this end of the country, you might actually be able to find a place as beautiful as the one on the picture... Good luck!

  2. I agree! The picture is just phenomenal. If you ever find a place like this in Canada I'm joining you there when I die for sure.
